. D G ] 3 S ep 2 00 3 Maps That Take Lines to Circles , in Dimension 4
We list all analytic diffeomorphisms between an open subset of the 4-dimensional projective space and an open subset of the 4-dimensional sphere that take all line segments to arcs of round circles. These are the following: restrictions of the quaternionic Hopf fibrations and projections from a hyperplane to a sphere from some point. We prove this by finding the exact solutions of the corresponding system of partial differential equations.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : m at h / 06 09 25 3 v 1 [ m at h . R T ] 9 S ep 2 00 6 COMPRESSION OF FINITE GROUP ACTIONS AND COVARIANT DIMENSION
Let G be a finite group and φ : V → W an equivariant morphism of finite dimensional G-modules. We say that φ is faithful if G acts faithfully on φ(V ). The covariant dimension of G is the minimum of the dimension of φ(V ) taken over all faithful φ. In this paper we investigate covariant dimension and are able to determine it for abelian groups and to obtain estimates for the symmetric and alter...
متن کاملS ep 2 00 9 Singular hypersurfaces possessing infinitely many star points
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متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 03 04 05 4 v 2 2 S ep 2 00 3 Supergravity and IOSp ( 3 , 1 | 4 ) gauge theory
A new formulation of simple D = 4 supergravity in terms of the geometry of superspace is presented. The formulation is derived from the gauge theory of the inhomogeneous orthosymplectic group IOSp(3, 1|4) on a (4, 4)-dimensional base supermanifold by imposing constraints and taking a limit. Both the constraints and the limiting procedure have a clear a priori physical motivation, arising from t...
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 04 09 00 4 v 1 [ m at h . A G ] 1 S ep 2 00 4 CAYLEY GROUPS
The classical Cayley map, X → (In − X)(In + X) −1 , is a birational iso-morphism between the special orthogonal group SOn and its Lie algebra son, which is SOn-equivariant with respect to the conjugating and adjoint actions respectively. We ask whether or not maps with these properties can be constructed for other algebraic groups. We show that the answer is usually " no " , with a few exceptio...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 00 02 24 1 v 1 2 8 Fe b 20 00 Tree Amplitudes and Two - loop Counterterms in D = 11
We compute the tree level 4-particle bosonic scattering amplitudes in D=11 supergravity. By construction, they are part of a linearized supersymmetry-, coordinate-and 3-form gauge-invariant. While this on-shell invariant is nonlocal, suitable SUSY-preserving differentiations turn it into a local one with correct dimension to provide a natural lowest (two-loop) order counterterm candidate. Its e...
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